• MON - SAT: 9h00 – 21h00



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Chia sẻ - Thành công

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Lê Thị Thu
Lê Thị Thu
Trình độ: IELTS 6.5

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.1

Mai Kim Phượng
Mai Kim Phượng
Trình độ: TESOL

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Nguyễn Hồng Nga
Nguyễn Hồng Nga
Trình độ: IELTS 7.5

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Lê Hữu Hồng Chuyên
Lê Hữu Hồng Chuyên
Trình độ: TESOL

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Đỗ Quốc Phong
Đỗ Quốc Phong
Trình độ: TESOL

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Nguyễn Thị Tú Chinh
Nguyễn Thị Tú Chinh
Trình độ: FCE 68

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Lê Thị Thu
Lê Thị Thu
Trình độ: IELTS 6.5

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Mai Kim Phượng
Mai Kim Phượng
Trình độ: TESOL

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Nguyễn Hồng Nga
Nguyễn Hồng Nga
Trình độ: IELTS 7.5

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Lê Hữu Hồng Chuyên
Lê Hữu Hồng Chuyên
Trình độ: TESOL

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Đỗ Quốc Phong
Đỗ Quốc Phong
Trình độ: TESOL

My good impression of the Practicum course at ESEA was the positive attitude and professional guidance. During the teaching practice periods, they continuously put us in the challenging situations so that we could gain more valuable teaching experiences. I really had 30 hours of productive learning and I have delightedly recommended the course to many of my friends.

Nguyễn Thị Tú Chinh
Nguyễn Thị Tú Chinh
Trình độ: FCE 68
Data updating
Data updating